One-stop dealership management system for your entire business
All your operational and financial needs. One software.
Helping dealers grow since 1978:
dealership locations
40+ years
in the industries we serve
Live support
with reliable product experts
8 years
average employee tenure
Charter Software Solutions Inc. partners with servicing dealers & distributors to promote mutual success through use of our technology-based management tools. ASPEN is an affordable, Microsoft-based Business Management System used by hundreds of equipment dealers across North America to better run their business and positively impact their bottom line.
Manage every aspect of your business in one system
Wholegoods & Sales
Service & Warranty
Reporting & Analytics
Rental & Fleet
Manufacturer Integrations
Financial Management
- Robust quoting and POS gives your sales department the ability to drive more sales and handle over the counter sales quicker.
- Find inventory quickly between locations and see accurate availability, so you know you have the right parts when you need them.
- Complete start-to-finish unit tracking with the ability to see a complete history of all transactions on a unit. Full warranty reconciliation module to ensure you track what manufacturers owe you.
- Increase efficiency and reduce labor costs by allowing employees to enter information once into ASPEN. Get direct order submission, warranty registration, flat rate integration, automatic price file update directly impact the bottom line.
- Gain access to real-time drillable data with hundreds of reports. Use our vision screens to monitor customer purchasing trends and identify sales opportunities.
- An automated sales and marketing platform that will help you turn your one-time customers into repeat buyers, all year round.
- Manage your rental units effectively and efficiently. Financial utilization reporting allows you to better analyze investment and determine when it is time to expand or transfer units out of the fleet.
- Get fully integrated credit and debit card processing stamps, authorization numbers, and electronic signatures on documents which can be reproduced at any time.
- A.I.M. (ASPEN Interactive Mobility), provides mobile access to all the information in your business management system from any smartphone or tablet.
- From within ASPEN you can track, classify and report on customers, sales/quotes, equipment, work orders and more. View and track the lifecycle of sales, prepare quotes from within the system or from a manufacturer’s configurator.
- Increase efficiency and reduce labor costs by allowing employees to enter information once into ASPEN. Get direct order submission, warranty registration, flat rate integration, automatic price file update directly impact the bottom line.
- Get real-time accounting software with fully customizable chart of accounts, providing the necessary reporting to grow your business and plan for the future.
Hilary Demos, R-Equipment

Going and seeing all the comparative reports within ASPEN is phenomenal. It makes reviewed financials, an absolute breeze. If there was a question, for instance, on a particular general ledger, I could just go and pull up that report for the year with a click of a button.
Read the full storyDana Greeson, Greeson Inc., Powersports

Switching to Aspen (was) the real obvious choice for us. It has simplified the way we do virtually everything in our business from accounting to service to parts. Aspen is a cutting-edge piece of software in our opinion.