Embrace Change, Manage Stress: Reflections from the AETA Conference

I attend a great deal of conventions in the equipment dealer industry, and it is rare when they have speakers that talk about de-stressing your life.  That’s why it was a pleasant surprise when Richard Flint spoke at breakfast during the recent Joint Annual Convention last week.  Richard Flint-200x195.jpg

Richard has written several books and speaks all around the world. He is known for his colorful shirts (as you can see from his picture) and matching personality.  He spoke about how you can de-stress by embracing change instead of working against it.  As a Business Management System software company owner, I‘ve seen how leadership can make or break a successful change in software.   

Richard shared six steps for embracing change and creating improvement.  (By the way, I typically don’t like acronyms but this one was good!): 

C – Challenge any change that keeps you from moving forward 

H – Have a clear vision of where you want to go 

A – Adjustments must be made in a timely fashion 

N – Never keep people who don’t share a common purpose, common agenda, and a common commitment with you 

G – Gather the mental strength to deal with the unexpected and find the pathway to continue forward 

E – Expect resistance and be prepared to address it 

Whether your business has a change in ownership, looks to add locations, implement new software, or is experiencing a change in leadership, then these insights from the AETA conference can make managing change a far easier process for the work you do in the agriculture equipment industry.

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If you are interested in learning more, check out richardflint.com for more information about implementing improvements with as little stress as possible.