Importance Of Managing Sequential Tasks

Numbers one through six painted on lanes of weathered trackThe day-to-day operations of receiving and shelving inventory are the lifeblood of successful dealerships. These operations are made up of a series of sequential tasks. Besides keeping things organized, managing these procedures well can create a seamless experience for both customers and employees. The key to managing sequential tasks is having a willingness to adapt to change. To do this, you must first acknowledge recent developments in the industry and your dealership so you can update your workflow accordingly.

Your management style should grow and change with your business. So if it has been a while since your last procedural overhaul, consider this your call to action.

First, what is a workflow:

A workflow is an automated process that allows managers to assign tasks and create transactions. As the assigned tasks are completed by users, they can create new follow up actions for themselves or other team members, continuing the sequence of events without slowing down the process.

Why you need one:

Besides the reasons we’ve already touched on, having a set workflow is a great way to track, assess, and analyze all processes of your dealership. To achieve its maximum effectiveness, consider running a diagnostic exam of operations using these five questions.

5 Key Questions for a Diagnostic Exam of Operations

  1. Whose job is it to complete this task?
  2. Where does the task need to take place?
  3. How is the task performed?
  4. When should the task be completed?
  5. Why is this the best method of execution?

Creating a balanced workflow for managing sequential tasks can be achieved with critical thought, analysis, and a business management system designed specifically for this task.

How ASPEN business system helps you manage sequential tasks:

Besides creating workflows for unique sequential tasks, ASPEN helps equipment and material handling supply dealers set tasks and monitor functions all in one place.

ASPEN tasks replace older systems (sticky notes, outdated software, messy folders) with the tools to create consistent processes for repetitive transactions. Users can simply log into the ASPEN business system to view the assigned tasks as well as any areas that require additional attention. From there they can add notes, mark complete, create new tasks, and get an overview of the whole process.

When it comes to managing sequential tasks, ASPEN empowers dealers & distributors with the right business tools exactly when they need them.