3 Tips for Strengthening Customer Relationships

According to a recent study published by the Temkin Group, even a moderate improvement in customer experience would impact the revenue of a typical $1 billion company an average of $775 million over three years. With numbers like that, it’s no wonder companies of all sizes are reconsidering how they can create more efficient workflows and fluid customer interactions.

From increasing sales to creating customer loyalty, companies have a lot to gain from revamping their customer experience strategy.

So who’s responsible?

There is a common debate regarding which department holds the key to improving performance in this area. Sales teams initiate contact and often create that vital first impression. Product support is responsible for daily interactions. And marketing creates the image behind it all.

The truth is, it’s not just one thing we do, it’s everything we do. The combined efforts of all employees add up to create a holistic customer experience at every stage of the life cycle. This makes learning how our customers behave, what expectations they have, and their personal goals an important joint effort among all departments of your business.

3 Ways to Cultivate Strong Customer Relationships

  1. Anticipate customer life-cycles. Data management systems provide a deep dive into analytics which you can use to break down your current customer experience stages. Find what works and if there are any weaknesses in the process. These might lead to changes within a department or even the way in which departments interact
  2. Use data. By 2020, more than 40 percent of all data analytics projects will relate to an aspect of customer experience. Data management systems like ASPEN Business Management allow users to pinpoint opportunities for growth within their existing customer relationship strategies with help from tools like smart reporting. Identifying and acting on trends is an effective way to improve customer relationships.
  3. Help local stores and field reps better understand customers. Communication among branches and outside sales representatives can often be a challenge. Getting them all on the same page, however, is a necessary step for coordinating customer experiences that are both consistent and high value. Quality data management systems can help provide the necessary data and information your whole team needs in order to make changes that align with your brand as a whole.

Building and strengthening your customer base is a team effort supported by real data from your clients. Use the power of data management systems to explore and implement stronger customer experience practices throughout your entire company.