What Kind of Business Management Tool Do Dealer Principals Need?

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Dealer principals have a unique role in their company. Not only do they have to oversee just about every department in a dealership, but they also have to make sure those departments are operating at peak efficiency. For a dealer principal to really help their company grow, they’re going to need the right kind of business management tool on their side.

If you’re looking for a dealer management tool, then you’re going to want one that can clearly show you how each department is performing, so you can work with them to set goals, hold them accountable to those goals and drive growth for the company as a whole. But not every business management tool is equipped with the features you need to do this, so you have to make sure you find the right one.

When we designed the ASPEN system, we set out to create the kind of tool that dealerships across a variety of industries could use to streamline their day-to-day responsibilities and execute their long-term company goals. Here are some of the reasons we think ASPEN can provide dealer principals with the technology-based management tools they need.

Mobile Management, Communication & Reporting

Mobile management and accessibility have become such a staple in today’s technology that you would be hard-pressed to find a business management tool that didn’t have it built-in. And there’s a good reason for that! As a dealer principal, you know firsthand how flexible you and your team have to be on a daily basis, and you need a technology-based management system that can move as quickly as you do.

With ASPEN’s business management system, you’ll have access to a wealth of features that will go wherever you do. Whether you’re viewing data regarding customer orders, checking up on equipment work orders, assessing inventory or communicating with your team, A.I.M. (ASPEN Interactive Mobility) will get you the information you need, whenever and wherever you need it.

ASPEN’s built-in data management tools will also update in real-time, so you can rest easy knowing that, no matter what’s going on, you’ll have access to the most accurate data possible. And since you can set unique permissions for each of your employees, you can make sure that everyone, regardless of their department, has access to the right tools at the right time. 

A Business Management Tool That Grows with You

No matter how big or small your company is, you’re going to need a management system that can meet your needs as they currently are, while also being able to adapt to your goals as they change. You never want to miss out on a new opportunity for growth, and with a business management tool like ASPEN, you’ll never have to.

If your company is opening up a new location and you need to add that to your management system, then ASPEN can do that. If you’re currently hiring new team members and need to onboard them to the platform, then ASPEN makes that as easy as can be. 

You can even customize the software, so it’s specifically optimized to meet the needs of your users. We want to equip our users with all of the tools they could ever need to grow their company, which is why we designed ASPEN to be an all-in-one dealer management system that will grow alongside you.

If you want to learn more about the ASPEN business management tool and how it can help dealer principals, please get in touch with us! We’d love to answer any questions you have, show you how the software works, and help you integrate it into your dealership.