Dealer CRM Software Can Save Time & Increase Sales

Sales managers have to consider two main questions when making any decision for their business. The first is how can they save time. How can sales managers find new ways to innovate the process by which they reach, communicate with, and build lifeblood relationships with customers with their dealer CRM software? 

crmThe second question is how can they increase sales. When the quarter comes to a sudden end, will they have accomplished their goals?

No matter what problem you are trying to solve, there are some extremely common issues that come up time and time again. The good news is with the right dealer CRM software in place they are now easier to solve than ever before. Check out these frequent business hiccups and their respective solutions for ways to save time, increase sales, and make sure you’re fully equipped to handle every challenge thrown your way.  

PROBLEM: Audiences expect constant conversation.

Did you know that 95% of buyers read online reviews before finalizing their purchasing decision? Facebook, LinkedIn, Yelp, and other social media sites require a constant stream of contact with audiences in order to remain relevant. Staying top-of-mind becomes more and more difficult on these oversaturated platforms.

SOLUTION: The right dealer CRM software can provide communication solutions with popular integrations like MailChimp so your conversations with clients are always in flow.

PROBLEM: Lack of repeat sales.

There’s a reason why 60% of B2B businesses named improving customer loyalty as a top priority for 2018. The cost of upselling or adding on services to an existing customer’s tab is far lower than the cost of having to find a brand new prospect. Creating repeat sales with the help of great marketing and communication should be a top priority for those looking for more lucrative prospect conversions.

SOLUTION: Having a full contact management database makes it easy to log all customer visits and interactions so you’ll know exactly who to reach out to leading up to the end of the quarter.

PROBLEM: Data stored in spreadsheets sits unused.

Data collecting dust in your current version of a dealer CRM software could actually be costing you money. One study showed that employers might be paying $100 for every useless client record they maintain. The main issues with data often stem from information that is missing, outdated, inaccurate, or just plain duplicate.

SOLUTION: Pinpoint opportunities for growth, see trends, and view in-depth analytics in just a few clicks by upgrading to a business management solution.

PROBLEM: Limited access to prospect files at critical junctures.

Fast and direct communications about orders are the primary factors in winning the loyalty of millennials and baby boomers. Relying on desktop-only CRMs will often delay or prevent follow-ups that fast enough to compete with the increasingly high expectations consumers now have for customer service.

SOLUTION: Mobile accessibility is mission-critical for all businesses that rely on off-site communication for customer management and sales. Update records in real-time to keep everyone on the same page.

PROBLEM: Disorganized workflows create preventable issues in the sales process.

A clean workflow makes a good impression on both new and returning customers. In fact, 80% of marketing automation users saw their number of leads increase, and 77% saw the number of conversions increase. Without a streamlined process, your business could be losing out on a major chunk of profit.

SOLUTION: Automatically activate work orders, warranty requests, and other daily tasks with an improved workflow tool that allows project managers to detail and assign tasks.

At Charter Software, we work hard to make sure our ASPEN Business Management System solves these pressing issues for sales managers. If you are interested in learning more about ASPEN’s many tools, please visit our website.