Dealership Best Practices That Will Drive Company Success

The Rural Lifestyle Dealer publishes the recipients of their Dealership of the Year award along with some tips and tricks from the winners. Alongside the business fundamentals we’re used to discussing (continuing education, striving for constant improvement) their advice had a common thread; the keys to their collective success were all based on the functionality of their business management systems. Here are 5 of their dealership best practices:

  • Design your customer experience. Your customers have a unique set of interests and values. Make sure your business gives them the customer experience they want and expect. Details like attractive showrooms and retail space with lifestyle products could make all the difference.
  • Take advantage of mobile. Mobile access is popular among employees and consumers for a reason. In addition to empowering field technicians and onsite employees alike with up-to-date inventory, financial, and client information, mobile allows you to get all the information you could ever need from your business management solution from one easy to use tool – your phone.
  • Use detailed reporting and analytics. Financial reports and established metrics play a large role in the success of any dealership. Use a business management solution with advanced reporting and analytics to monitor monthly budgets, establish and accurately measure goals, and get all your departments on the same page.
  • Work on your parts inventory strategy. Knowing how to predict and anticipate client trends is critical. Without data-backed information provided by your company’s transaction history and reports, making decisions on ordering can be a little like a guessing game. Be sure to incorporate tools that facilitate communication company-wide and help managers get to know the habits of their customers better.

Improving your dealership is a constant process and implementing even one of these award-winning dealership best practices could have a measurably positive impact on your business.

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