How Mobile is Changing Service

Mobile is one of the biggest changes to the equipment dealers industry to date. From increasing management productivity to improving employee and customer satisfaction, mobile has become a simple fix for some of the industry’s most pertinent issues. Are you using this technology to its fullest potential?

A Full Service Experience for Customers

With mobile technology, communication is organized and simplified for everyone involved. Employees can call, text, or email clients all from one screen. They’ll even have the ability to quickly view and get directions to the customer’s location without any additional back and forth, keeping client interactions focused and productive.

Alongside these tools are CRM features for keeping track of all communications as well as notes and invoice history. Members of your team now have easy access to every pertinent detail of the project so you can be confident they are able to deliver the best possible service.

Simplify Accounting to Make Sure You’re Being Paid

Thanks to the convenience of mobile, invoicing customers is painless. You can create, edit, and send invoices on-the-go for quicker onboarding. You’ll also be able to track who has paid or who is in danger of being late and shoot them a friendly reminder to make sure things stay on track. Since cash flow is one of the biggest concerns facing small businesses, make sure you’re taking control of your assets with this proactive approach.

Keep Your Team Connected

Technicians working on site shouldn’t be left in the dark about what’s going on back at the office. With mobile, your entire team can access the most up-to-date information available in real time. They can log customer interactions by taking notes or using a voice-to-text feature. They’ll also appreciate having the ability to clock in, check parts inventory, upload images, collect payment, and more right from their phone. Empowering your employees is key to keeping them satisfied and productive.

Knowing how to leverage mobile technology is now a required skill for the equipment dealers industry. Choose a business management software like ASPEN that offers these robust mobile features and much, much more. Learn more about ASPEN’s Interactive Mobility (A.I.M.) and get started today.