Rental Measurements to Live By – Financial Utilization

If you’re in the equipment rental business, you know business is on the upswing. Industry revenues in the US are growing three times faster than the general economy over the past few years according to the American Rental Association (ARA). This kind of market opportunity also comes with increased competition. That’s why smart business owners… Read more »

Make Your Dealership Parts Department Its Own Profit Center

Making your dealership parts department more profitable is one of a dealership’s top challenges. Using a reliable dealership management system such as Charter Software’s ASPEN can greatly assist you in achieving your parts department’s maximum potential. The dealership parts department is a major part of your dealership’s “bottom line”  profitability, so to ensure total support… Read more »

Your Dealer Management Process Should Involve Tracking Technician Time

Boost profits this season by taking a good look at how your technicians spend their time and use that data to inform your dealer management process! Gauge the Amount of Precious Dollars Lost on Daily Tasks A minimum of 90% of a technician’s day should be billable hours, so any non-revenue generating task they perform… Read more »

3 CRM Cleaning Tips for Dealer Principals

We have discussed the importance of having a clean CRM, but how do you go about CRM cleaning?  Database cleaning is sort of like cleaning your garage. It’s a task that no one wants to do and usually only does it when things are a horrible mess. As we know, in the case of your CRM,… Read more »

3 Reasons Why You Need a Clean CRM

Most businesses today have some sort of CRM (Customer Relationship Management) system, yet a whopping 30% of businesses have no plan in place to update or clean CRM records (source).  Research shows that a thriving business can generate up to 70% more revenue with clean data. Whether your customer data is stored in an excel sheet or you… Read more »

3 Things to Remember When Selling to Millennials

From a Marketer’s perspective, selling to millennials starts the same way selling to other generations does; by understanding who they are and how to be relevant to them rather than how they are different. 

Turn Customers into Partners

With the right strategies in place, your customers can actually do the selling for you over time. From getting the brand’s name out there more to interviews of current and former customers, there are lots of ways to turn clients into helpful partners. 

Dealership Best Practices That Will Drive Company Success

The Rural Lifestyle Dealer publishes the recipients of their Dealership of the Year award along with some tips and tricks from the winners. Alongside the business fundamentals we’re used to discussing (continuing education, striving for constant improvement) their advice had a common thread; the keys to their collective success were all based on the functionality… Read more »

The Benefits of Open-Book Management for Agriculture Dealers

Charter Software has always had an open book policy. And with a business system like ASPEN, you can easily make your financials visible to key employees or, if you’d prefer, all employees. According to Forbes, companies who use this rule often see a 30% increase in both efficiency and profits in the first year alone…. Read more »

Tips to Improve On-The-Job Communication

Employees are the lifeblood of your business and according to Gatehouse, 46% of all businesses surveyed were committed to dedicating the better part of this year to enhancing leadership communication and another 38% were interested in supporting internal change. If you’re one of these companies, consider adding one or more of these ideas to inspire… Read more »